I have a real problem with people who are not responsible when it comes to taking
care of their animals... I do get upset and emotionally involved when they don't provide the basic essentials under their
care such as food, water, and shelter... I have called out so many people when I come across this situation. The
first thing they say to me (It's none of my business!) Well, it is my business, especially when I see it first hand...
I simply call it getting involved in my local community! Doing my part and being a proud member of the ASPCA for many years.
I have been threaten, cussed out, you name it ! Again, this has happen so many times and I won't stop getting
involved just because they think it's none of my business... I don't mind standing up to these irresponsible owners no
matter what kind of resistance I'm faced with... Remember, the animal can't speak on it's own behalf... Please take care
of your animals... Again, being a proud member of the ASPCA and I will always be a part of this organization... Please
check out this neat WEB SITE www.mydogiscool.com Thank You...