- 82nd
Airborne Division, Fort Bragg NC.
- 20th Engineer Brigade, Fort Bragg NC.
- 6th Infantry Division (Light), Fort
Wainwright AK.
- Special Forces Assessment & Selection Course, Fort Bragg NC.
- U.S. Army John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center and Schools, Fort Bragg NC.
- 1/10th Aviation Regiment,1st Aviation Brigade, Fort Rucker Al.
- 169th
Engineer Battalion,1st Engineer Brigade, Fort Leonard Wood MO.
- 344th Military Intelligence Battalion, 111th Military
Intelligence Brigade, Fort Huachuca AZ.
- Headquarters Company,United States Army Engineer School, Fort Leonard Wood
An excellent article about the DOD Fire Academy at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. I had the
opportunity to train with this Fire Academy www.dodfire.com/history and also had taught the Advanced High Angle Rescue Course.